Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Flowers everywhere!

Hai readers! In this entry i will show you some pictures of flowers in Malaysia. I hope this blog will be very useful for you. Happy learning!







Name of Flowers :)

In this entry, I will state the name of flowers that we can find in Malaysia. I hope this will be very helpful for you if you are intended to plant flowers in your garden :)))
rose flower

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

More Energizers

More Energizers

Students will walk around and take turns calling out what they want people to do.
For example, “let’s climb a tree” then everyone says “yes lets!” and pretends to climb a tree.  

In pairs people mirror each other, then switch leaders.

This is an interesting energizer where the students will pretend that someone is hosting a party and everyone else is a guest at the party with a secret identity/occupation that the host has to guess.

Birthday lineup
Ask the group to line themselves up in the order of their birthday or height (without speaking).


our children, our responsibility
Hey Guys..It's a hectic week for me..but some activities are crossed my mind and I bother to share them with you. Hopefully it will help us (teachers, future teachers, parents, babysitter) to manage our children. These activities are applicable in school or at home.

Before I go any further, let's discuss on:

  • Why is exercise or physical activity important for my child? 
  1. Increased physical activity has been associated with an increased life expectancy and decreased risk of cardiovascular disease.
  2. Physical activity produces overall physical, psychological and social benefits.
  3. Inactive children are likely to become inactive adults and physical activity helps with
  • controlling weight reducing blood pressure  
  • raising HDL ("good") cholesterol  
  • reducing the risk of diabetes and some kinds of cancer  improved psychological well-being, including gaining more  self-confidence and higher self-esteem

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Creating a positive classroom is a way to foster student self-esteem. When you create a positive classroom environment, students learn better. Students will enjoy entering a positive learning environment. 

According to a University of Delaware study, a teacher can create a positive and constructive learning assessment environment within the first few class sessions. The same study showed students learn better in classrooms where they are actively involved with the teacher and other classmates. Meanwhile, class programs that utilize long lectures and few learning activities can lose a student's interest. Teachers are able to take an active role in shaping the kind of classroom they lead.


  • Team building activities work much the same way as cooperative learning activities, though the goal is usually to help create a cohesive and positive classroom environment from a social perspective as well as an academic one. 
  • Team building activities may involve pairs of students, small groups, large groups or even the whole class

Build Group Identities

  •  Provide a way for students to get to know one another in their groups, such as having them find out three things they all have in common, then giving themselves a name that reflects their identity.


  • Traditions help students make an emotional connection to the class, prompt positive feelings, and provide a sense of belonging to the group. 
  • Classroom traditions include activities and experiences that are unique to the class, known to everyone in the class, and repeated over time.
  • Make up responses and songs that work best for your class. Your classroom climate will be more inviting if students are encouraged to participate in making up the words as a group. Or let small groups come up with their own opening traditions and take turns leading the class with an Opening Tradition.
  • Start Each Day with an Opening Tradition
    Begin each day with the same song or opening choral response. 
        Here is an example: 
        Teacher: How do you feel? 
        Students: Awake and ready! 
        Teacher: How do you feel? 
        Students: Positive, energetic, and enthusiastic! 
        Teacher: Are you ready for class? 
        Students: Yes!